Revamped Delivery Processing

Colin Updated by Colin

Change Summary

Several new concepts were introduced to ShipStream in 2025.0 related to deliveries (ASNs, RMAs and Other Deliveries) to accommodate a more robust process for receiving inventory. In essence, the "processing" workflow was separated from the "put-away" workflow, and the receiving logic was moved down to the "container" level so that each container received can be processed independently of other containers. This allows for much greater flexibility in your inbound operations as it is no longer necessary to process a delivery fully before beginning to put it away.

The following are the new concepts added at a high level:

  • Put-Away - a system for tracking inventory that needs to be put away after having been processed during receiving, a picked shipment was canceled, or the output of a work order. While this process already existed, "Put-Away" is now a separate entity from the underlying delivery.
  • Open/Close - ASNs, RMAs and Other Deliveries now have an Open/Closed state indicating whether more containers may be received. An accompanying "Auto-Close" option helps manage this state automatically unless it is disabled.
  • Delivery Container statuses - Each container received now has its own status which is one of:
    • New - a placeholder until it is actually received
    • Accepted - details added, ready to be processed
    • Processing - processing has begun
    • Processing Exception - has one or more items with pending exceptions
    • Processed - all items were processed, and all exceptions are resolved
    • Void - the delivery was canceled after the container was accepted
  • Committed status - This indicates that all containers have been processed and all put-aways are put-away and committed, but the delivery is still open. The "Complete" status is only reached if the delivery is also closed so that "Complete" can be a final status. The new Committed status is not a final status since more containers can be received in the future.
  • Expected Containers - A new user-specified field was added to deliveries to indicate the number of containers that are expected to be received. This is not required and does not have to be 100% accurate, but if it is provided and accurate, it will help determine correctly when a delivery can be auto-closed.

Migration Notes

  • All deliveries partially or fully put-away before the update will have a new Put-Away created to preserve the data.
  • The Cancellation delivery type has been removed, and now the concept of a cancellation is simply a Put-Away that is associated with a shipment that was canceled. Incomplete cancellations are also automatically migrated to Put-Aways.
  • The Work Order Output delivery type has been removed, and now the output of a Work Order is simply added to a Put-Away associated with the Work Order.

Status Progression

Refer to the following diagram for a rough overview of how a delivery progresses from New to Complete. The diagram does not include processing exceptions and assumes a simple case of one delivery container and one put-away.

API Changes

  • Added support for the auto_close field to all delivery.* methods.
  • The new committed status will be used as appropriate.

Grid Changes

  • The Receiving > ASNs, RMAs and Other Deliveries grids have been updated:
    • Columns rearranged for easier navigation
    • Changed Containers to Expected Containers
  • The Receiving > Cancellations and Receiving > Work Order Outputs grids have been removed. These are now found by going to the Operations > Put-Aways grid and filtering the Type column by the respective values.
  • Added entity reference columns to the Delivery Items export.


Permissions for the new Put-Aways are automatically applied to existing roles upon migration and inherited from the old permissions as follows:


Inherited by users with


Operations > Put-Aways > ASNs

Receiving > ASNs > Process


Operations > Put-Aways > RMAs

Receiving > RMAs > Process


Operations > Put-Aways > Other Deliveries

Receiving > Other Deliveries > Process


Operations > Put-Aways > Cancellations

Receiving > Cancellations > Process

Receiving > Cancellations

Operations > Put-Aways > Work Order Outputs

Receiving > Work Order Outputs > Process

Receiving > Work Order Outputs

How did we do?

Version 2025.0

Version 2024.6
