
Colin Updated by Colin

As there are many data fields in ShipStream and these sometimes must be referenced in imports, scripts or by integrations, we provide one place to reference all of the allowed values at System > Enumerations.

Finding Enumerations

Navigate to System > Enumerations. The values that are allowed in many cases can vary by merchant, so be sure to select the appropriate merchant in the Merchant Filter.

The Client Users may also access the Enumerations page but it will be limited to just the data scoped to their Merchant, of course.


The left sidebar contains the full list of enumeration categories. For example, clicking Locale > Countries (green arrow) lists all of the countries with the Codes and Names.

You will notice that each category itself has a "code" (indicated by the purple square above) that can be used in the Enumerations API to fetch the values and labels programmatically.


Each Enumeration has two columns. The first column is either the Code or the ID. The second is the Name or Description.

While the Name/Description of an enumeration is subject to change, the Code/ID should always remain constant so that it can safely be used in scripts or integrations without fear of breaking them in the future. For example, you can rename the warehouses but the ID will remain unchanged.


Click the Export button to download a file listing all of the values. The CSV format is easy to consume with Excel while the JSON format is preferred by most programmers.

CSV Format

This format looks just like the table you see in the UI.

JSON Format

This is a single JSON array of objects with each object having two keys depending on the enumeration.

[{"id":1,"name":"Newark, NJ"},{"id":2,"name":"Atlanta, GA"},{"id":3,"name":"Reno, NV"},{"id":4,"name":"Denver, CO"}]

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