Merchants and Brands

Cory M. Updated by Cory M.

Every Merchant in ShipStream has a separate pool of Products, Orders, ASNs, RMAs, and Work Orders. The unique identifiers for these need only be unique for a given Merchant. For example, one Merchant may only have one SKU "A" but another Merchant may also have a SKU "A" and these will not conflict with one another in any way.

For 3PLs, the Client UI will only show data pertaining to the Merchant that the user belongs to, so it will never allow one Merchant to see the data belonging to another Merchant. Only 3PLs may create additional Merchants.

If a Merchant needs to operate with multiple brand names but sell from the same pool of inventory, they may use any number of Brands that are assigned to the same Merchant. Each Brand can have uniquely customized configurations such as Packing Slip Design, multiple plugin subscriptions, etc. A Merchant must have at least one Brand to receive Orders and can have any number of Brands.

By default, ShipStream is equipped with “System Merchant” and “System Store”. 3PLs will likely want to reserve the System Merchant for managing common items that will be used by multiple Merchants such as containers and supplies.

To manage Merchants and Brands, navigate to System > Merchants and Brands.

Create a Merchant
  1. Click Create Merchant in the upper right corner of the main window.
  2. Input the Name of the Merchant.
  3. Fill in the Code field (this may be used by integrations to identify this merchant and so should never be changed).
  4. Leave the status as Enabled to allow this Merchant to be used.
  5. Click Save Merchant.
Create a Brand
  1. Click Create Brand in the upper right corner of the main window.
  2. Choose a Merchant to associate with this Brand.
  3. Fill in the Name of the store.
  4. Fill in the Code field (this may be used by integrations to identify this brand and so should never be changed).
  5. Click Save Brand.

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