Configuration Scope

Cory M. Updated by Cory M.

Settings in Configuration can be specified at different scope levels. Configuration Scope allows users to set options that are independent from one another. The lowest scope level available is indicated to the right of each editable field.

The screenshot below is shown from the Global scope and indicates that "Allow Batching" can be set independently at the [MERCHANT] level. This means the user can enable "Allow Batching" for one Merchant while other Merchants inherit their settings from the Global configuration.

Setting the Configuration Scope:

To change the scope level you are currently adjusting, choose the desired viewing level from the Current Configuration Scope menu.

The menu is set to "Global" by default and is divided into two parts: Merchants/Stores and Warehouses. In the Merchants/Stores section the merchant names are highlighted in grey while the store names are in white. For the Warehouses section, the warehouse group is in grey and the warehouse is in white.

Selecting a scope from the menu will allow you to make configuration changes to that particular scope. The following diagram illustrates how the scope hierarchy affects configurations below each scope level:

The Merchant scope will affect all Stores created by the Merchant, while the Store scope will only affect the individual store.

The Merchant scope will affect all Stores created by the Merchant, while the Store scope will only affect the individual store.

If you select a Merchant from the Current Configuration Scope menu, you can disable the Global inheritance setting for a configuration by un-checking "Use Global" in order to specify your own setting at the Merchant level.

Likewise, by selecting a specific Store from the Current Configuration Scope menu, you can disable the inherited settings from the Merchant scope by un-checking "Use Merchant" in order to specify your own settings at the Store level.


A merchant named Shoes Inc. has more than one brand (store): "Rugged Shoes" and "Zoom Cleats". The merchant wants to keep these brands separate by using a different logo for each of them on their respective packing slips. This can be accomplished by first choosing the desired store from the Current Configuration Scope selector.

Navigate to Sales > Packing Slip Design in the left side menu.

Expand the option set for Layout/Printing and un-check the option "Use Merchant" to the right of the Header Logo field. This will force the configuration to use your specified setting at the Store scope rather than using the merchant settings for all of its stores.

Now the user may click Choose File next to the Header Logo field to specify a new logo image for only the specified store, in this case "Rugged Shoes," which is one of the two fictional shoe brands owned by the Shoes Inc.

Need to add or update a Merchant/Store? You can jump to the Merchants/Stores page by clicking Manage Merchants/Stores beneath the Current Configuration Scope selector.

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Configuration Basics
