Install the Device App

Cory M. Updated by Cory M.

The Device App is the Windows GUI application that allows a single user on a machine to connect their printers or scales to the Device Hub.

In order to install a device client suitable for a headless or multi-user environment please consider installing the Device Service instead. See the Device Hub vs Device App Comparison for a detailed comparison.

Device App Setup

  1. To download the Device App go to or from the ShipStream WMS click System > Device Hub and click New Computer.
  2. Expand the Device App option, then click Download.
  1. Install the Device App once the download completes.
Users may experience warnings about the safety of the installer executable. The installers are signed by ShipStream, LLC but they are new to Microsoft's web safety scanner. Please continue through these warnings to open the installer.
  1. Once installation is finished, the Device App will load and you will see a PIN number displayed. Copy or note this PIN number for the next step.
  1. To set up a new machine on the Device Hub UI, click the green "+ New Computer" button in the upper left corner of the window (if the "Register a New Computer" dialog is not already showing).
  2. When prompted for a PIN, enter the number from step 5, and a nickname for the machine if needed, then click Register.

On the Device Hub, you should now see your computer listed like this:

Now that you've set up a machine, you will want to add your printer and scale devices.

How did we do?

Device Hub Overview

Install the Device Service
