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User Groups

Colin Updated by Colin

User Groups enable you to set up your ShipStream instance so that you can grant limited visibility of your warehouses and merchants to your Organization Users. For example, users who only operate in one warehouse do not need access to adjust inventory in a warehouse in another city. Users may also only need access to a specific Merchant if they are brought in for a specific purpose or belong to a different organization.

Primary vs Secondary Users

User Groups and User Roles may be designated as "Primary". A user belonging to a group designated as Primary is considered a "primary user", all others are referred to in this document as a "secondary user". Secondary users may be given the System > Permissions > Users resource to manage other users, but will only be able to see and edit users belonging to the same User Group and only assign User Roles that are not designated as Primary. Additionally, any users they create will belong to the same User Group unless that group is later changed by a primary user.

It is strongly recommended to only designate role providing System > Permissions > User Groups or System > Permissions > User Roles as Primary to prevent secondary users from "breaking out" of their limited access.

Effects of User Groups

The effect of removing access to a warehouse will cause a user to be unable to:

  • see said warehouse in the "Select a Warehouse" dialog or in grid column filter lists
  • see rows in grids which would be filtered out by deselecting said warehouse
  • manage zones, racks or locations for said warehouse
  • create/edit/see ASNs, WOs, BFOs, Batches, etc. for said warehouse
  • see "other" users in dropdowns listing users - the only users listed will be users belonging to user groups that also have access to the warehouses that the user's group is limited to seeing
    • E.g. a user in group restricted to A should not be able to see a user in group restricted to B but can see a user in a group with no restrictions
  • see search results in Global Search for items belonging to said warehouse

The effect of removing access to a merchant will cause a user to be unable to:

  • see said merchant anywhere in the UI in dialogs or grid column filters, etc.
  • create/edit/see Products, Orders, ASNs, WOs, BFOs, etc. for said merchant
  • see search results in Global Search for items belonging to said merchant

Batches will not be directly affected by user groups. If a user has access to a warehouse and creates a batch, the batch could contain shipments for merchants that the user does not have access to if such shipments existed.

If a user is restricted to a single warehouse or a single merchant, some UI elements such as grid column filters or form fields to filter/select warehouses and merchants may not be present for that user since there is only one option available for them.

Role Permissions

Some pages do not filter lists of warehouses and merchants or may affect multiple merchants and warehouses, so it is strongly recommended not to add permissions under the System category to Secondary roles.

In particular, the following permissions should only be given to Primary roles:

  • System > Configuration
  • System > Merchants and Brands
  • System > Permissions > User Groups
  • System > Permissions > User Roles

Creating a User Group

  1. Navigate to System > Users and then click User Groups and then click Add New User Group.
  2. Fill out the form as needed. If you select Restricted for either Warehouses or Merchants, click the corresponding tab in the left sidebar to choose which Warehouses or Merchants the user group will have access to.
  1. Click Save User Group.

Assigning Users to User Groups

To assign users to a User Group you may either edit each individual user by navigating to System > Users and either:

  • Click the user, edit and click Save User, or
  • Use the "Assign to Group" mass action.

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