
Rate Shopping

The Rate Shopping feature set in ShipStream provides accurate rate quotes and can automatically determine the optimal shipping carrier and service for each shipment based on the customer's expectations.

Cory M.
Updated by Cory M.

Rating Maps

Rating Maps define a mapping between an origin warehouse, a destination by country and postcode, and a piece of information which informs the rating process such as the zone, number of days in transit, or a delivery area surcharge.

Cory M.
Updated by Cory M.

Rate Groups and Plans

A Rate Plan defines the pricing for a given shipping method, and a Rate Group is a set of Rate Plans that can be applied to a given merchant.

Cory M.
Updated by Cory M.

Fee Schedules and Adjustments

A Fee Schedule is a set of fees that apply to a given carrier and service. Similarly, a Fee Adjustment allows you to define adjustments to fees and rates without uploading new tables to replace the old ones.

Updated by Colin

Virtual Shipping Methods

A Virtual Shipping Method is a placeholder method chosen at the order level that is replaced with a real shipping method at the shipment level depending on the criteria defined by the Virtual Shippin…

Updated by Colin
