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Printer Setup

Kevin Updated by Kevin

This article is not relevant to users of ShipStream 2022.2 or newer. Please see the Device Hub Overview.

Upon sign up you will be provided with a link to manage your Printers and a username and password.

Each connected client (see Installing the Printer and Scale Client) will appear in the list. Click Edit to manage the resources for a given client.

Adding a Printer

On the Edit page click "Add Printer" for each printer you wish to expose to ShipStream.​

  • Resource — The resource name must follow the format listed below based on which type it is. These should be unique for each device, but the latter part does not have to be unique for each device type. E.g. "001" can be used for both LABEL:001 and LASER:001
    • For label printers use a barcode prefix "LABEL:". For example, for label printer "001" the barcode would be LABEL:001 and the "Resource" would be specified as "label_001".
    • For laser printers use a barcode prefix "LASER:". For example, for laser printer "001" the barcode would be LASER:001 and the "Resource" would be specified as "laser_001".
    • For small label printers use a barcode prefix "SMLABEL:". For example, for small label printer "001" the barcode would be SMLABEL:001 and the "Resource" would be specified as "smalllabel_001".
  • Printer - Select the printer from the list.
    • Note, if you disconnect a printer and reconnect it and Windows gives the printer a new name (like "ZDesigner GK420d (Copy)") then you will need to make sure the right driver is selected here.
  •  Additional Args (JSON format)
    • These are usually not needed, but you can pass additional options like -mono to force monochrome printing. Just let us know if you have issues with things not printing correctly.

Send Test Print

Click "Test" to send a test print job to the printer.

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